Where is learning in your natal chart?

In previous posts I wrote about learning from two different points of view: intercultural learning, and small learning communities. But, from a psychological astrology perspective, where is learning in a person's natal chart?

We can find it at different levels.

​First of all, getting to know, understand, and fulfill the potential of a person's natal chart is a lifelong learning process. You can look at your natal chart every week, every day, even every hour, and find new things every time by looking at transits, for example, or revisiting through the light of new life events what you already know about your planets in your houses. Your learning journey takes you towards the fulfillment of what your Sun represents: the circle of the Sun's sign represents completion, and the dot inside it, your core self. Find where the Sun is on your chart, and you will see the area in your life where your vital learning powerhouse is.

Looking at your houses you get more insight about learning in your life. House 3 has to do with your gathering of information from your immediate environment, and your daily life. It is the small learning, not the profound, spiritual, philosophical one. It is House 9 the one that speaks to you about your spiritual learning, your way to give meaning of life and make sense of it. It is your deep, inner, philosophical learning. Planets in those houses will have a direct impact on your learning experience.

And what about planets? All of them bring learning to us, All of them bring to us welcome and not so welcome opportunities to expand our awareness about ourselves and life. But, to get started, you may want to look at Mercury, which represents, among other things, that which is rational, communication, and the process of learning itself. Its counterpart among signs would be Gemini. ​

Jupiter will give you a different ride, one more aligned with House 9, and the search for meaning and purpose in your life.

Hard work, the really hard one, the learning that comes from patience, persistence, daily sustained effort, often unpleasant, comes with Saturn. Saturn transits are intense long courses, each one of which focuses on whatever the themes of the house getting its visit are. If House 3 were your elementary and secondary education and your ongoing adult learning, and house 9 your Masters degree, Saturn would be your PhD.

Your learning through intuition, through the intense spark of the moment is brought to you by Uranus, which stands for sudden inspiration, electric thinking, high speed insights. Uranus loves what is new, and needs to bring it to as many people as possible, ideally to the whole Humankind.

And then there is Pluto. Pluto brings to you several opportunities to experience psychological deaths and rebirths, in order to become.


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