
Showing posts from January, 2017

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) en contextos de aprendizaje (1): Extraverted / Introverted

Tres de las cuatro variables sobre las que el MBTI nos informa tienen que ver con la INFORMACIÓN: Qué tipo de información preferimos En qué nos basamos para tomar decisiones sobre esa información Cuándo y cómo nos ponemos a trabajar sobre ella La cuarta variable (que es la primera de las cuatro letras del perfil: E o I) nos habla de dónde y cómo tomamos laENERGÍAque necesitamos, y cómo y dónde preferimos recoger y procesar la información. Las dos preferencias de que disponemos son la EXTRAVERSIÓN y la INTROVERSIÓN. Las personas que prefieren la EXTRAVERSIÓN(E) tienden a estar más cómodas hablando para pensar, haciendo, o interactuando con mucha gente. Las personas que prefieren la INTROVERSIÓN (I) tienden a estar más cómodas pensandopara hablar, estando solas o interactuando con poca gente y, preferiblemente, gente conocida. Imagen procedente de: Diferenciar entre ambas preferencias nos per

A liberating reading

LANGER, Ellen J. (2005): On Becoming An Artist: Reinventing Yourself Through Mindful Creativity. NY: Random House. Ellen J. Langer is a psychology professor at Harvard, and a painter. The materials in this book come from that double, rich, profile. One of the topics that she addresses with intensity is the blockages that we create inside ourselves as a result of having internalized negative feedback throughout our life. That negative feedback generates negative, self-defeating thoughts, which get in the way of our own hopes, efforts, and talents. Reading this book is tremendously helpful to realize how much of that negative stuff we have incorporated, and how easily we tend to evaluate, compare, criticize, and even reject what we do, and what others do, instead of appreciating it, sharing it, and celebrating it.

Experiential Learning, with a brief example from an in-company workshop

The EXPERIENCE is individual, even if it takes place as part of a group activity. During SHARING time, the experience is still individual, but part of it is made public to the extent that each participant decides. When starting to PROCESS, we put some distance between us and what just happened, enough to get the necessary perspective to start internalizing it. It is here, and especially in the next step, GENERALIZE, when it is appropriate to add theoretical information in any form considered more relevant and meaningful, and always with the goal in mind of helping the participants to internalize the experience so it becomes real learning. Whether there is theoretical input or not, APPLYING the material generated up to this point (thoughts, feelings, sensations, ideas, models...) is a must in order to complete the cycle and optimize the quality and amount of learning. After this, the cycle starts all over again, more in a spiral shape than as a circle: we go through the same cycle, but

Planets as symbols of outer and inner energies

Planets represent, or correspond to, the energies within us. They are "what we do". The signs represent the way we live, handle, apply those energies, and the chart's houses represent the areas in our lives where those energies act. According to Robert Hand, PLANETS represent the ENERGIES we use to face a certain set of circumstances. For instance, some of the energies represented by each planet would be the following (these are just examples; each planet represents a rich and complex set of energies): There is an evolutionary aspect to these energies. As we follow them, we can trace our own life's evolution, from our childhood to our physical death. It would be something like this: SUN and MOON: The LUMINARIES * Our SUN is the energy that makes everything else possible, the original seed, our conscious energies. Our MOON is what turns that energy into new life, our instincts, our subconscious. They both are the origin and, at the same time, are always within us. MER

Where is learning in your natal chart?

In previous posts I wrote about learning from two different points of view: intercultural learning, and small learning communities. But, from a psychological astrology perspective, where is learning in a person's natal chart? We can find it at different levels. ​First of all, getting to know, understand, and fulfill the potential of a person's natal chart is a lifelong learning process. You can look at your natal chart every week, every day, even every hour, and find new things every time by looking at transits, for example, or revisiting through the light of new life events what you already know about your planets in your houses. Your learning journey takes you towards the fulfillment of what your Sun represents: the circle of the Sun's sign represents completion, and the dot inside it, your core self. Find where the Sun is on your chart, and you will see the area in your life where your vital learning powerhouse is. Looking at your houses you get more insight about learn

Activating Inner Archetypes : The RULER

The central task of the RULER as an inner archetype is to take full responsibility for our life, and express our deeper Self in the world we are in contact with. This expression of the deeper Self requires accepting and integrating our leadership role and, from it, using our power in an appropriate way in order to make a positive impact around us. As with the other archetypes inside us, it is possible to overcome the resistance to accept the Ruler that we all have inside when the time to wake him up comes. From inside us, or from outside of us, it is possible to activate the archetype so that its energy consciously becomes part of what we think, feel, do, and express around us. In this scene from The Lord Of The Rings. The Return Of The King, we see an example of, on one hand, the intervention of the subconscious through a dream and, on the other hand, an external intervention, accompanied by the symbolic power of an object and the contact with it. Both the dream and the conversation a

Activating Inner Archetypes: The RULER in our daily life

Remember that archetypes are not other people, or sets of qualities that other people have but we don't. Archetypes are parts of us, "different ways of being, thinking, feeling, and acting that we all have inside us, because they all are part of the collective unconscious. These archetypes develop throughout our whole life, are always active, although not always in the same ways nor with the same intensity, and are both guides and manifestations of our journey." So, what part of us corresponds to the RULER? In a few words, the inner RULER is the part of us that allows us to take charge of our own life, of our own stuff, whatever that stuff is. But the RULER doesn't just get stuff done randomly, but with a purpose: making our lives the way we want them to be, trying to bring long-lasting fulfillment, wellbeing, harmony, peace. In our personal lives, this might show as acting upon things that need to be put in order, organized, taken care of (for example, keeping close

Activating Archetypes: The DESTROYER's Shadow

As an inner archetype, the DESTROYER is the part of us that helps us accept and manage the pain provoked by endings, disappearance, death, of something or somebody, as part of our own life's evolution process. In non extreme cases, the Destroyer helps us understand the need and the positive aspects of detachment, of not being afraid of situations, relationships, experiences, etc. that come to an end. In more extreme cases (such as the death of a beloved person, or violence), our inner Destroyer helps us understand that this type of destruction exists as well, and that we need to activate our best resources to go through the pain we are feeling. When the Destroyer manifests its shadow, that is, its more unpleasant, negative, damaging, toxic expression, it can take us to self-destructive behaviors, self-sabotages, or even behaviors aiming at harming other people, as in any form of abuse and physical, emotional or psychological violence. In this scene from A Time To Kill, we see an ex

No te quise ver

Con frecuencia, las relaciones terminan antes de que nos hagamos plenamente conscientes de ello. Con frecuencia también, nos resulta difícil y doloroso darnos cuenta de cómo hemos contribuido a que las cosas transcurrieran como lo hicieron, y aceptarlo. No te quise ver Siéntate. Mírame. No. Eso no. Mírame. Quiero que por una vez me veas. A mí. No otra vez a ti, siempre a ti. A mí. Y ahora háblame. Por una vez también quiéreme y dime la verdad. Dime que nunca me has querido, que siempre me has mentido. Y luego, vete. De una vez y para siempre, vete. Yo aquí me quedaré llorando para mí, porque no te quise ver y yo también me mentí. Pero esta vez, por fin, libre y sin ti lloraré. De mi libro La voz por ti encontrada

La Voz Perdida del Rey Silencioso

Los personajes de ficción pueden ser vistos de tantas formas diferentes como personas entran en contacto con ellos. Las obras literarias y las películas pueden ser ventanas a través de las cuales podemos aprender muchas cosas sobre las personas, la vida, el mundo, el universo, nuestra esencia como seres espirituales, y pueden ser también espejos, en los cuales encontramos piezas de nosotros mismos de las que podemos o no ser conscientes. Sea lo que sea lo que los personajes de ficción nos digan, lo hacen mientras les vemos metidos en sus vidas, haciendo cosas, hablando, pensando, sintiendo, siendo. Podemos encontrarlos ya creados por alguien más. Muchas perssonas tienen sus personajes favoritos y los mantienen vivos dentro de sí desde que se encontraron con ellos. Podemos, también, crearlos y, para hacerlo, desde luego no necesitamos haber sido reconocidos oficialmente como escritores. Cada persona es una escritora, tanto si escribe como si no. Hay tantas formas de crear un perso