Activating Inner Archetypes: The RULER in our daily life

Remember that archetypes are not other people, or sets of qualities that other people have but we don't. Archetypes are parts of us, "different ways of being, thinking, feeling, and acting that we all have inside us, because they all are part of the collective unconscious. These archetypes develop throughout our whole life, are always active, although not always in the same ways nor with the same intensity, and are both guides and manifestations of our journey."

So, what part of us corresponds to the RULER?

In a few words, the inner RULER is the part of us that allows us to take charge of our own life, of our own stuff, whatever that stuff is. But the RULER doesn't just get stuff done randomly, but with a purpose: making our lives the way we want them to be, trying to bring long-lasting fulfillment, wellbeing, harmony, peace.

In our personal lives, this might show as acting upon things that need to be put in order, organized, taken care of (for example, keeping close track of our home finances, or keeping up with our shared responsibilities towards our loved ones). Every time we tell ourselves that we need to do something that is waiting in our to-do list, we are calling upon our RULER to get out there and get things done.

Every archetype has also its shadow side. In the case of the RULER, the shadow may fall either on the side of neglect or irresponsibility, or on the side of seeking control or power just for the sake of it, or to pursue our own toxic purposes.

We are acting from our healthy inner RULER, for example, when we have a conversation we must have, when we look for a way to find the potential in people around us, when we keep our kids safe, when we listen to ourselves and honor our own voice, when we tell the truth.

If there is somebody (real person or fictional character) you intensely admire because of the way they do those things, bring that somebody back to your here-and-now to awake your inner RULER. Find your "Ruler role-model", and let yourself feel your admiration, and then, act as if you were capable of being as admirable as them. By doing so, you will be bringing your inner RULER from whoever you're projecting it on to back inside you, where it really belongs.


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